City of Martins Ferry

Street Sweeper Sidelined

Posted on: April 24, 2017

The Street Sweeper will not be running at the present time. ?Citizens do not have to move their vehicles until further notice.

4th Street Returns to Two Way Traffic

Posted on: March 7, 2017

Traffic returned to normal on South 4th Street on Monday March 6th. ?The street had been one way north since a fire destroyed part of the block back in October. ?Motorists are reminded to use caution in the area since some businesses are undergoing renovations. ?

2016 City Council Meeting Minutes

Posted on: December 31, 2016

2016 Christmas Parade Route

Posted on: November 25, 2016

2016-parade-route?The Parade will begin at the Liberty Fire Station at 5th and Center Streets and proceed south on Zane Highway to Hickory Street. ?After a left on Hickory Street, the Parade will proceed north on 4th Street to Walnut Street. ?A left on Walnut Street will be followed by a right on 5th Street with the Parade ending at Hanover and 5th Streets.

Thanksgiving Sanitation Pickup Schedule Announced

Posted on: November 15, 2016

Residents who normally have sanitation pick-up on Thursday and Friday are asked to place their garbage cans out on Wednesday next week. ?City offices will be closed Thanksgiving Day as well as the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Trick or Treating Scheduled

Posted on: October 27, 2016

Martins Ferry Trick or Treating will be held on Monday October 31st from 6pm to 7pm. ?Residents who wish to participate by handing out treats are asked to turn on their porch lights. ?Motorists are asked to use extreme caution when driving through our city to insure a safe and fun evening for our children.

Halloween in the Park Saturday October 29th

Posted on: October 27, 2016

Halloween in the Park will be held on Saturday October 29th from Noon until 2pm in the City Park. ?All children must be registered prior to the event at the Police Department located at 35 South 5th Street. ?For more information, please contact the Martins Ferry Police Department at 740-633-2121.

Martins Ferry Seeks Police Levy

Posted on: October 12, 2016

The Martins Ferry Police Department is seeking citizens’ support to pass a 5 mil levy. If passed, the levy would generate $300,000 earmarked directly for the police operations budget.


The levy is needed to offset the loss of Local Government Funds which have been reduced substantially over the past several years by the state government. ?A large portion of the Local Government Funds have been a traditional source of funding for Martins Ferry’s safety forces. ?These cuts, enacted by the State of Ohio, have made it impossible to sustain a fully staffed Police Department.


Passage of this levy would ensure a stream of funding for the Police Department as well as decrease the amount of money now being used to support the police from the city’s General Fund. ?As a result, the General Fund would be able to support other city departments such as Street and Cemetery.


Should the levy fail, deep budget cuts would take place resulting in a reduction in police officers, dispatchers, and ultimately a less safe Martins Ferry.


The cost of the 5 mil levy to a property owner is dependent on the value of the property owned. ?For example, a home worth $80,000 would have a gross tax increase of $140. ?When the Homestead Reduction is included, the actual tax would be $96.25. For less than the price of two tickets to a major league sporting event or concert, a citizen can insure police protection throughout their city.


Election day is Tuesday, November 8, 2016. ?All precincts in Martins Ferry vote at the Martins Ferry Schools Complex.

For more information about the levy, please contact the Martins Ferry Police Department at (740) 633-2121.

County Commissioners to Hold Town Hall Meeting

Posted on: September 7, 2016

The Belmont County Commissioners will hold a Town Hall Meeting at the Martins Ferry Library Auditorium on Tuesday September 13th at 6:00 pm. ?The public is invited and encouraged to attend. ?The Commissioners will address issues relevant to Belmont County while taking questions from the audience. ?Don’t miss this chance to have your concerns heard.

Sanitation Schedule Change

Posted on: July 25, 2016

Due to the extreme heat, City sanitation services will start at 6 AM beginning tomorrow July 26th and lasting to Labor Day, September 5th. ?We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. ?Thank you!