City of Martins Ferry

News & Updates

Sanitation Schedule Change

Posted on: November 9, 2013

City offices will be closed for Veterans Day, Monday November 11th. Those residents with sanitation pick up on Monday will be picked up on Tuesday instead. ?Sanitation routes will begin early Tuesday and residents are reminded to place their containers out early.

Water Line Break Affects Residents from Mackey Ave. North

Posted on: October 24, 2013

The major water line break which occurred yesterday is still affecting water service to residents from Mackey Avenue to the northern city limits. ??The Water Department hopes to have all repairs completed and service restored within the next 24 hours, after which a 48 hour boil order will be in effect.

Emergency water stations for both drinking and non-drinking water are now open at the entrance to Floral Valley and the Liberty Fire Station located at 5th and Center Streets.

Residents are asked to bring containers for water.


Recycling Pilot Program Coming to Martins Ferry

Posted on: October 6, 2013

Mayor Paul Riethmiller is pleased to announce that Martins Ferry has been chosen by the JB Green Team to be the Belmont County site of a Pilot Recycling Program. ?The City is in the process of seeking interested 1st Ward Residents to become a part of the experimental process.

1st Ward residents were recently sent informational mailings encouraging participation in the program. ?A maximum of 400 households are needed and residents are asked to contact the Mayor’s office at 633-2876 if they wish to participate.

The participating residents will receive a 65 gallon recycling material container and instructions on what materials can be recycled.

The program is designed to reduce the amount of material going to landfills and thereby helping to keep the City’s sanitation costs as low as possible. ?If the pilot program is deemed a success it could be expanded to the entire City and ultimately throughout Belmont County.

State Senator Gentile Schedules Visit

Posted on: August 20, 2013

State Senator Lou Gentile of Ohio’s 30th District will visit Martins Ferry on Monday August 26th at 5:30pm. ?The town hall style meeting will take place at the Martins Ferry Public Library Auditorium located at 20 South 5th Street.

lou gentile

Senator Gentile will provide updates on legislation at the state level as well as hear concerns from local citizens. ?Don’t miss this opportunity to make your voice heard.


County Road Residents Experiencing Water Breaks

Posted on: August 18, 2013

A series of water breaks has occurred over the weekend effecting residents in the Colerain area of the water system. ?Those residents without water are advised that water buffalo stations are available at the Old Hilltop School and the Old Steeple Valley Schools. ?These stations contain water for drinking as well as utility water. ?Please bring your own containers to these sites.

Work on these water breaks is continuing.



City Council Meeting Cancelled

Posted on: August 4, 2013

The City Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday August 7th 2013 had been cancelled. ?The next meeting of City Council will take place on Wednesday August 21st at 6 pm in The Donald R. Myers Council Chambers on the second floor of the City Building.



Preparations Underway for Betty Zane 5K

Posted on: July 21, 2013


This year’s Betty Zane Days 5K Run/Walk participants will not only be competing to win the race, they will all be doing their part to beat cancer as well. ?That’s because proceeds from this year’s race will benefit Riders for a Cure and the Belmont County Relay for Life.

The race takes place on Wednesday August 7, 2013 at 6:30pm with the start/finish line located at the Martins Ferry City Park. Registration will begin on race day at 4:30pm but those wishing to participate are encouraged to sign up in advance by picking up an entry form?at the City Building Utility Office or Martins Ferry Recreation Center or by going to?

Cost of entering is $13 if registration is received by July 22nd or $15 from July 23rd thru the day of the race. ?The first 150 participants are guaranteed a t-shirt.

Awards will be given to the top three male/female finishers per age group for both runners and walkers. ?Special awards will be given for the first Martins Ferry Citizen as well as the first Martins Ferry firefighter to cross the finish line.

Representative Jack Cera Schedules Town Hall Meeting

Posted on: July 14, 2013

State Representative Jack Cera of the 95th District?will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday July 16th at 5:30pm in?Martins?Ferry. ?

jack cera

The meeting will take place in City Council Chambers located on the second floor of the City Building.

Representative Cera will discuss current state issues and legislation as well as take questions from citizens.

Citizens are encouraged to attend and take advantage of this opportunity to share concerns. ? ?

City Utility Rates to Increase

Posted on: May 29, 2013

Effective June 1st 2013, the Martins Ferry utility rates will change as follows:

Water Rates

Residential customers both in and out of town will have the minimum consumption amount increased from 3000 gallons to 4000 gallons.

The minimum charge for in town customers will increase to $25.00. ?Out of town customers will see their minimum increased by $3.00. ?Both of these amounts relate to the new 4000 gallon minimum.

Business rates will increase 8.5%

Sewer Rates

Residential sewer rates will be increased by 50 cents on the base rate.

Business sewer rates will be based on consumption with a 50 cent increase on the base rate.

Sanitation Rates

Residential rates will be increased by 10 cents.

American Heritage Girls Decorate Cemeteries

Posted on: May 22, 2013

DSCF2035American Heritage Girls Troop #7777 answered the call to help their community get ready for Memorial Day. ?The girls placed flags on the graves of veterans buried in both Walnut Grove and Riverview Cemeteries.

“We really appreciate the help from Troop #7777. ?There are a lot of flags that need placed and the girls stepped right up,” said Councilman Bob Krajnyak, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee.

In the past, the troop has also planted flowers at historic Walnut Grove Cemetery which is the final resting place of Fort Henry heroine Betty Zane.