City of Martins Ferry

News & Updates

City Offices will be closed Nov 12, 2018

Posted on: October 15, 2018

The City offices are closed on November 12, 2018 in observance of Veteran?s Day.? The sanitation pick for Monday November 12th? will be on Tuesday November 13th the rest of the week will remain the same the only change made is Monday?s pick up.

City has new phone lines!

Posted on: October 4, 2018

The City of Martins Ferry is currently installing new phone lines.? Please be patient while we go though the change.

New City Flag Designs Sought

Posted on: May 1, 2018

The City of Martins Ferry has been going through numerous updates including now the city flag.? Flag Design Committee Co-Chair Chief John McFarland announced that artists of all skill levels are encouraged to submit their ideas for a new city flag to the city building no later than June 8, 2018.? Folks can also email their designs to Service Director Chris Cleary at ? ?

“We really hope our citizens embrace this opportunity to make a mark on our city’s history”, McFarland said.? The submitted designs will be on display during the Strawberry Festival on June 9 and at the city building until July 4th where the public will have a chance to vote on their favorite.? The winning flag will be unveiled at Betty Zane Days in August.

Sanitation Schedule Change For Friday Pickup

Posted on: January 6, 2018

Due to the extreme cold temperatures, those residents with normal Friday pickup on January 5th will instead be picked up on Sunday January 7th.? The Sanitation Department will resume it normal schedule on Monday January 8th.

Waterline Break in Crawford Heights

Posted on: January 4, 2018

A waterline break at the top of Beretta Drive has forced the closure of that road.? Crews have been on the scene since this morning working to make repairs.? Residents of the Crawford Heights area are asked to use Ferryview Road to Dutch Hill Road for ingress and egress.? A 48 hour boil order will be in effect when water service is restored.

2017 City Council Meeting Minutes

Posted on: December 31, 2017

City Congratulates Best of the Ohio Valley Winners

Posted on: November 30, 2017

Recently The Times Leader conducted its annual reader survey to determine the Best of the Ohio Valley 2017 in a multitude of business categories.? The City is proud to be home to many of the winning businesses and congratulates each one of them on this achievement.? Thank you for being a part of our community!

For more information on these businesses simply click on their names and follow the link.

Martins Ferry is ready and willing to help any business locate to our City.? For more information call 740-633-2876.

Sanitation Service Schedule Changed

Posted on: November 8, 2017

City offices will be closed on Monday November 13th in Observance of Veterans’ Day.? Those customers with Sanitation Pick-up on Monday will have pick-up on Tuesday instead.??

Trick or Treat Scheduled

Posted on: October 10, 2017

Door to Door Trick or Treating will take place on Halloween, Tuesday October 31st from 6pm-7pm.? Motorists are asked to use extreme caution to help insure a safe, fun event for our youngsters.

Residents wishing to participate should turn their porch light on during this time.

Project Forward

Posted on: June 6, 2017

“There are many ways of going forward, but only one way to stand still.” -FDR

Project Forward is a revitalization group in Martins Ferry that is trying to get business owners to help clean up the downtown area and attract new customers. Progress has already begun, which included the cleaning of businesses in the downtown area, the new addition of a farmer’s market this summer, a city food truck, and some other plans and events are in progress as well.

Farmer’s Market will be on Friday’s 10-2 pm, starting June 30th.

Project Forward’s Mission Statement:

“Project Forward is a “think tank” committee comprised of members of the merchant community, civic leaders, and the city’s administration.? We are committed to bringing about economic and community growth through the revitalization of, not only the infrastructure of the commerce in one of Ohio’s oldest cities, but the overall cosmetic and welcoming environment of the downtown area. Our goal is to bring in new businesses and help existing businesses grow first- which will lead to a period of rejuvenated pride for our citizens as well as our merchants. We welcome ideas and volunteers as this project moves forward. This is our city- our community. And, as a community- we can accomplish so much more than as individuals.”

Project member, John Schorr, states,”We’re working on several things to bring a lot of energy back into the area and let the people know that the businesses and the administration are committed to making this a really great place to live and hopefully that’s a contagious thing.”

Our First Farmer’s Markets

Project Forward Social Media Outlets:


Tee shirts are available to purchase (pictured below). Please fill out order form below or contact 740-633-1774 for more information.

Fill out tee shirt order form here.