City Council Committees
Committee meetings are set by the committee Chairperson on an as needed basis. Committee reports are given at regularly scheduled City Council meetings and summaries of reports are included in the minutes. Below is the list of Council Committees. The first name listed is the Chairperson:
- Annexation: Schramm, Echemann, Neiman
- Cemetery: Neiman, Hunker, Schramm
- Code Administration: Agnew, Schramm, Rodgers
- Enterprise Zone: Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong
- Finance and Audit: Hunker,, Agnew, Schramm
- Fireman’s Dependency Fund: Schramm, Neiman, Hunker
- Income Tax: Armstrong, Agnew, Echemann
- Liaison to Chamber of Commerce: Rodgers, Armstrong
- Liaison to Development Dept.: Rodgers, Echemann
- Liaison to Park Commission: Agnew, Schramm
- Liaison to Supervisor Meetings: Schramm, Armstrong
- Off-street Parking: Neiman, Armstrong, Agnew
- Ordinance: Agnew, Armstrong, Rodgers
- Public Relations: Echemann, Rodgers, Armstrong
- Real Estate: Hunker, Rodgers, Agnew
- Revolving Loan Fund: Hunker, Agnew, Neiman
- Safety: Schramm, Neiman, Agnew
- Service: Schramm, Echemann, Hunker
- Sewer/Sidewalk: Hunker, Rodgers, Echemann
- Street: Rodgers, Neiman, Armstrong