City of Martins Ferry

News & Updates

Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of March 6, 2024

Posted on: April 2, 2024

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., in the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed with a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; James Agnew and Jim Schramm, Council at Large Members.   Ben Neiman, Council at Large Member, informed President Davis that he was unable to attend this meeting.  President Davis noted this meeting was a “soft opening” for the live-streaming system. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the February 21, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  The Street Sweeper recently had some minor issues fixed and was running today to pick up grit on the heavily traveled streets.  It will officially begin running in April.  Tickets will only be issued to vehicles parked on the wrong side of the street in April and November, which will be the only 2 months the Sweeper will run. 

Mayor Davies asked Council to consider raising the Part-Time EMS/Paramedics salary by $1.  Mary Greer has accepted the full-time EMS supervisor position at $40,000 per year with no benefits.  Mr. Stecker said she may have to sign a waiver of the benefits since it is a policy for supervisors to receive benefits. 

Repairs to the Swimming Pool are estimated at $27,000.  A decision regarding funding for this project needs to be made quickly if the pool is to open on time and be ready for the Swim Team. 

The Fire Department will partner with the City to secure funding for the fireworks for the July Celebration in the Park (July 6) and Betty Zane Days (August).   The Mayor also asked Council for permission to hold a food drive on the corner of Zane Highway and Carlisle Street. 

The issue of trash in the city was addressed.  The Mayor proposed beginning in April, if a bag of trash is on the ground and not in a covered trash can, $3 per bag will be added to the homeowner or landlord’s utility bill.  If it’s not paid, utilities will be ceased.  Currently, there is over $79,000 in delinquent water bills. 

The Mayor asked for an Executive Session towards the end of the meeting to discuss contracts and personnel. 

Service/Safetly Director:  Mr. Sutak and some of the Water Department Employees will be meeting soon with the Engineers to review the submittals for the upgrades to the Water Plant.  This will insure all improvements are accurate and safeguards are in place. 

Senator Sherrod Brown’s office has supplied the city with a packet of possible funding opportunities for the Alumni Road Repair Project.  Mr. Sutak will review this material to see if any of the funding specifically fits the situation with the school roads.  If a grant is found, Mr. Sutak will check with Senator Brown’s office to see if it fits the criteria, and if it does, he will apply for the funding. 

Council was then updated on the progress of the Water Plant improvements.  

            Auditor:   Auditor Regis supplied Council with the most recent Financial Reports.  He also shared Belmont County’s E-911 Centralized Dispatch Final Plan Report, noting that Martins Ferry was the only city not represented on the County’s Advisory Board.  The budget should be sent to Council for review by March 15.  Present Davis noted that there may not be enough Council Members present on March 20 to suspend the rules to pass the budget.  Consideration to change the March 20th meeting will be addressed under Miscellaneous Business.

            Auditor Regis informed Council that $27,000 from the Permanent Improvement Fund could be used for the pool repairs.  As donations and fundraising monies are received, the Fund can be reimbursed.  This can insure repairs can be made timely and the pool can open as scheduled. 

            Auditor Regis praised the well behaved Martins Ferry Students who traveled to Union Local High School to cheer on the Basketball Team to victory on March 5. 

            Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  Chief Murphy gave the end of February Police Report.  The phone recording system has been updated and installed. Employee training on the system is complete. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   Mr. Hunker will schedule a Finance Committee Meeting after Council Members have a chance to review the Budget. 

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  Rev. Agnew will schedule a Committee Meeting next week to create an Ordinance on “Progressive Fining” which would help in dealing with violations in Mayor’s Court. 

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  No report.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  Councilman Echemann attended the Fire Department’s 300 Club Party.  It was a wonderful community event. 

Code Administration:  No report.

Real Estate/Utility:  The Real Estate Committee met on February 22.  The committee recommends not selling the property in Crawford Heights at this time.  This area can be used as a “lay down yard” for the contractor who will be doing road work in the area.  If the property is sold, the city would be charged a fee to store the equipment someplace else. 

The Mayor and the Safety/Service Director informed the Committee that many of the city’s properties have transfer, deed and survey issues.  The Committee recommends the Service/Safety Director hire a Real Estate Attorney to research and resolve the city-owned property issues. 

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes. 

Michael Bianconi, Pease Township Trustee, distributed information on the Township’s Free Clean-Up Day on March 23.  Mr. Sutak said he would put this information on the city’s website.  Mr. Bianconi also thanked the Mayor, Service Director and Council for working with the Township on the road project in Crawford Heights. 

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, mentioned Belmont College would be conducting classes in the city again which was very positive.  The Mayor clarified the Street Sweeper will only run in the months of April and November.  Retired Sargent Beth Scales will be honored at a future Council Meeting. Future plans for the old Lamplighter property and the adjoining parking lot were not known.  The Mayor told Mr. Hord the Aetnaville Bridge will be torn down sometime next year and that is all that is known at this time.

Ordinances and Resolutions

An Ordinance Amending The Salary For The Position of Temporary Operator of Record.

             This Ordinance was given a first reading.  The Ordinance will go to a second reading.






Miscellaneous Business:  

Mr. Schramm made a motion to appropriate a $27,000 loan from the Permanent Improvement Fund to be used for the replacement of the swimming pool pump.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Agnew voting yes.  The motion carried.  The President of the Aquatic Club thanked Council for this motion.  He said fundraising will begin shortly to raise money to help payback this loan from the Permanent Improvement Fund. 

Mr. Echemann made a motion to approve the February, 2024 Financial Reports and the Check Register as received from the Auditor’s Office.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Rodgers.  A roll call vote was heard with Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew, Schramm, and Hunker voting yes.  The motion was declared passed. 

Mr. Schramm made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

            The Mayor asked Council to consider advertising the property at 1200 North 9th St. for bid.  Mr. Sutak will check on the original value of the property and recommend a minimum bid and any other requirements that might be needed.  This will be discussed at the next Ordinance Committee Meeting. 

            Mr. Schramm made a motion to move the March 20th Council Meeting to March 27th .  Mr. Hunker seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Agnew voting yes.  The motion carried. 

            Mrs. Armstrong asked the Mayor and Service/Safety Director to research Real Estate Attorneys and bring in recommendations to the next Council Meeting. 

            At the next meeting, Mr. Stecker will bring in an ordinance for a $1 salary increase for part-time EMT, EMTB and Paramedic employees.  Effective date will be when the ordinance passes. 

            Mr. Hunker made a motion for Council to go into Executive Session under Ohio Revised Code 121-22, G1 and G2 for Contracts and Personnel.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried and Council went into Executive Session.  

            Mr. Hunker made a motion to go out of Executive Session.  Mr. Schramm seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried and Council returned to regular session. 

            Mayor Davies told Chief Murphy that Council approved the implementation of a new Sargent. 

Mr. Echemann made a motion and Rev. Agnew seconded to excuse Mr. Neiman from tonight’s meeting.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.            

             Mr. Hunker moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Rev. Agnew.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned with a salute to the flag.

            The next meeting of the Martins Ferry Council will be held on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. 

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


City Council Meeting Cancelled

Posted on: March 28, 2024

The April 3rd Regular meeting of the Martins Ferry City Council has been cancelled. The next Regular meeting will be held on Wednesday April 17th at 6pm in Council Chambers.

Kristine Davis, President


Posted on: March 24, 2024

The next meeting of the Martins Ferry City Council will be held Wednesday March 27, at 6pm in Council Chambers in the City Building.

City Council meetings are now being live streamed via YouTube and may be viewed live on this web site, by selecting the “Government” tab, then the “City Council” option, and then clicking on the arrow where indicated under “Live Stream.” We sincerely hope this new option will provide more information and transparency for our citizens.

Kristine Davis, President

Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2024

Posted on: March 11, 2024

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; and James Agnew; Council at Large Member.  Ben Neiman and James Schramm informed President Davis that they were unable to attend this meeting.  Live streaming was not available for this meeting.  Council Members were invited to attend “Streaming Training” scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the February 7, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  The Mayor expressed appreciation for the Street Department Employees who cleared snow from the roads this past weekend.  Demolition of the house at 710 Elm Street has been completed. 

Mayor Davies met with the Martins Ferry School Board regarding Alumni Road.  Hopefully an agreement can be reached soon and funding can be secured to get the road repaired.  The Mayor gave a stern warning that if anyone is caught traveling Alumni Road, they will be fined! 

Council was asked to review the Ordinance amending the salary for the position of temporary operator of record which had to be amended due to PERS (Public Employee Retirement System) rules.   

Council was informed that a buyer is interested in purchasing the parking lot and the small park on the corner of Hanover and 5th Street. 

The Mayor distributed a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Police Department allowing officers to work six twelve (12) hour shifts and one eight (8) hour shift for a total of eighty hours every two-week work period. 

Safety/Service Director:  Mr. Sutak asked Council to consider putting a piece of city-owned property in Crawford Heights up for bid.  A family is interested in building a house on the property. 

Mr. Sutak informed Council on the progress of the Water Plant Improvements.  He asked Council to give a voice approval to contract with W. Quick-Sol to review submittals on the upgrades to the Water Plant to make sure that everything is satisfactory for the Plant.  An application, for a Water Protection Grant, has been submitted to the EPA for fencing around the wells and gates for the roadways.  Mr. Echemann thanked everyone for their hard work in getting these upgrades in place. 

            Auditor:  Mr. Regis asked Council to approve the New Hire List, Payroll Summary and Statement of Cash Positon with MTD Totals.  Two Purchase Orders need to be approved since they exceeded the $3,000 limit.   One is for $27,809 for extra charges on work for Well #13 and the other is for a generator amounting to $6,088.80.  Work is being done on the Appropriations. 

            Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  Chief Murphy reported on two recent incidents/arrests.  At the recent State Auditor Meeting, the issue of ticket reconciliation was discussed.  This matter has been resolved and new tickets have been purchased.  Each ticket is now numbered and tracked. Next week the phone recording system will be replaced and employees will be trained on usage of the system. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

Finance and Audit:  A meeting was held on February 14, 2024.  The committee would like to have a line item in the budget for the revenue from the Impound Lot.  Council will need to decide how this money can be spent.  The budget will need to be passed on or before the March 20, 2024 Council Meeting to enable the Auditor to get it to the Belmont County Auditor’s Office.  Minutes of this meeting will be filed with these minutes. 

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  Rev. Agnew is working on gathering information for an Ordinance on “Progressive Fining” which would help in dealing with violations in Mayor’s Court. 

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  No report.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  No report.

Real Estate/Utility:  A meeting was held on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.  The Committee recommends when property is being advertised for sale, a minimum bid must be stipulated as well as any requirements for purchasing the property as set by the Service Director.  Minutes of this meeting will be filed with these minutes.   Later in the meeting, Mr. Hunker scheduled a meeting for Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. 

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, asked about a recent incident at the Recreation Center.  He was told there was some superficial damage to ceiling tile so the program was shut down for a couple of weeks.  It has since reopened and things seem to be going well.  Mr. Hord thanked the city for demolishing the house at 710 Elm Street.  The Mayor said the Street Sweeper will now only run April 15-30 and then November 1-15.  There were no updates regarding buildings in the city being designated as historical. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

            An ordinance was emailed to Council yesterday but there were not enough members present to suspend the 72-hour rule. 






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Echemann recently attended a Wheeling Nailer’s Hockey Game where the Martins Ferry High School Choir/Performing Art Students performed the National Anthem.  They did a wonderful job.

The Mayor asked Council to review and let him know their feelings on the schedule changes for the Police Department.

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion and Rev. Agnew seconded to accept the reports from the Auditor (Payroll Summary, New Hire List and Financial Report).  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

Mr. Rodger made a motion and Mr. Echemann seconded to approve payment of $27,809 for the purchase order to Ohio Drilling Company for Well No. 13.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Agnew, Hunker, Echemann and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried.

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion and Mr. Hunker seconded to approve payment of $6,088.80 to the W. Quick Sol Company for the engineering generator.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew, Hunker, and Echemann voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Echemann made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

Mr. Hunker motioned to allow W. Quick-Sol to proceed with the submittals for the upgrades to the Water Plant.  Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Agnew voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to allow the Service Director to proceed with the process of advertising bid specs, including minimum bids, for both the Truman Avenue Property in Crawford Heights and the 5th and Hanover Street properties (small park and parking lot).  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew, Hunker, and Echemann voting yes.  The motion carried.   Mrs. Armstrong then amended this motion to include a lot at 1200 North 9th Street.  After an affirmative voice vote, this motion was amended to include the property on 9th Street. 

Rev. Agnew made a motion and Mr. Echemann seconded to excuse Mr. Schramm and Mr. Neiman from tonight’s meeting.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.            

             Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 6:41 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

            The next meeting of the Martins Ferry Council will be held on March 6, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


City Wide Spring Clean Up

Posted on: February 28, 2024

The City will be hosting their annual Spring Clean Up. It will be held on April 6th at the City garage on 1st street from 8a-12p. You must be a Martins Ferry resident and will need to bring your ID or water bill. No tires, paint or hazardous materials. There will be an extra charge on mattresses and boxsprings.


Posted on: February 26, 2024

The City of Martins Ferry is currently looking for lifeguards for the 2024 season. Interested persons will need to contact the Utility Office at 740-633-6151 ext 312, Leslie, and fill out an application. Interested persons will need to have a valid Certified Lifeguard certificate, be at least 16 years old, a photo ID, and willing to be drug tested.

Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2024

Posted on: February 22, 2024

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member, Ben Neiman, James Agnew and Jim Schramm, Council at Large Members.   Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member, informed President Davis that he was unable to attend this meeting. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the January 24, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  Alumni Road has been deeded back to the School District and the city is waiting for confirmation that School Road has been successfully deeded back.  The Mayor will speak at the School Board Meeting on Feb. 13.  He feels the city, being better equipped, should continue with snow removal and pothole patching for School Road to ensure safety for the children traveling this road.  The city does clear Alumni Road to an extent so emergency vehicles can access the Hillendale/Crawford Heights area quicker.  The Mayor discussed issues with the 2006 Annexation Road Agreement between the city and the School District.  He was concerned that the School Administration requested that School Road be cleared on a Sunday because there was basketball practice scheduled.  This created overtime payroll expense for the Street Department that called out employees to clear the road. 

A sewer collapsed on Grant and Washington Streets.  The Mayor described how the city will proceed to fix this situation.  It will be costly for the city and should be repaired by next week.

A new pump, which costs about $17,000, is needed for the swimming pool and must be installed by professionals.  The Recreation Department does not have funds to purchase the pump and Council may be approached for financial help.  If a new pump isn’t secured, the pool may not be able to open.

The Mayor said it will cost around $11,000 to provide Fireworks and Entertainment for the Fourth of July Celebration in the Park this year.  Letters have been sent to businesses and organizations asking for donations. 

Service Director:  Items for improvement at the Water Plant, have been ordered.  It may take 4-12 weeks for the materials to arrive since some of the things need to be built specific to the Plant.                          

Last year, Mr. Sutak assumed the Safety Director’s responsibilities, which did not include a pay increase.  He asked Council to consider budgeting some of the original funds of the previous Safety Director Position into the Recreation Center funds to help with the swimming pool pump.  The suggested amount was $5,000. 

The EMS Levy needs to be voted on again in November, otherwise there will be no tax dollars for 2025.  Mr. Stecker said Council will need to decide whether they want the EMS Levy to be a 5 year levy or make it a continuing levy. 

The DEFA funding loan is set and will be for the sewer project near Turf Care. 

After 4 months in the repair shop, the new Garbage Packer is back and seems to be running well.  Law Director Stecker was consulted about approaching the Packer Company and asking for an extension of the warranty due to the months the city was without the services of the Packer. 

Auditor: Auditor Regis could not attend this meeting but did supply Council with a Statement of Cash Position with MTD Totals as of February 7, 2024. 

Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  No report.

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: The Park Board met on Thursday, February 1 to pass a few items for the New Year and discuss temporary appropriations.  They will meet in a few weeks to discuss and pass permanent appropriations.  Two Members may possibly be added to the Board.  Mr. Sutak hoped the media would publicize that the city is looking for sponsors to help with the expenses of the Annual 4th of July Celebration in the Park.  Sponsor Names will be placed on a banner and displayed at the Park during the festivities. 

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:  Since Auditor Regis could not attend this meeting, a report was given to Mr. Hunker.  Mr. Hunker and the other committee members had questions about this information so a Finance Committee Meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, February 14 at 10:00 a.m.  There will be a post-audit meeting on February 8th at 10:00 a.m.

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

            Safety: Mr. Schramm will meet next week with the Fire Chief regarding what funds might be available to repair the roof at the Vigilant Fire Station. 

            Service:  No report.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  It was discovered that the library will have a “Meet the Candidates” Night for Congressional Candidates on Monday, February 12.   Therefore, the Committee will not be moving forward with a Candidates Night at this time.  Mr. Echemann attended the benefit dinner for Tom Kelly and reported it was a great event. 

Mr. Stecker noted that the Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet will be held on March 18 at the Recreation Center.  Tickets will soon go on sale.  Dr. Joseph Maroon will be the guest speaker.

Real Estate/Utility:  No report.

Income Tax: The Income Tax Committee met on February 1.  The meeting was designed to convey information only.  There were no decisions or recommendations. 

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, said there will be a “Meet the Candidate” session at the Martins Ferry Public Library on February 12 at 6:00 p.m.  These candidates will be vying for the office vacated by Ohio Representative Bill Johnson.  Regarding the house at 710 Elm Street, the Mayor said the city has entered into a contract with Edge Co, Inc. to demolish the structure.  Mr. Hord asked the city to check on the deteriorating conditions at 917 Virginia Street.  There were no updates on the former Staffilino Property.  There are no plans to replace the Water Superintendent at this time.  President Davis was hopeful that the next Council Meeting will be live streamed. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

            There were no Ordinances or Resolutions to be read.     






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Neiman spoke to a citizen, living on Pearl Street, who is afraid his neighbor’s tree branches are encroaching on his property and house.  Mr. Stecker said this is a civil matter and the city cannot get involved.  Mr. Neiman was concerned about junk on the property at 418 North 5th. Street.  The Mayor was very familiar with the property since numerous letters and fines have been accessed to the owner.  The Mayor said he will send another letter tomorrow.  The idea of “Progressive Fining” for property violations was discussed (i.e. 1st offense, $250, 2nd offense, $500, 3rd offense, $1,000).  Council was asked to create an Ordinance dealing with “Progressive Fining” which would help in dealing with violations in Mayor’s Court.  President Davis referred this issue to the Ordinance Committee. 

The issue of the pool pump was referred to the Finance Committee. 

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to place the EMS levy on the ballot as a 5 year renewal levy.  Mr. Schramm seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Neiman, Agnew, Schramm, Hunker, and Echemann voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Echemann noted that Council has reviewed the 2006 Annexation Road Agreement between the City and the School District. 

Mr. Hunker motioned and Rev. Agnew seconded that Council approve the January Financial Reports.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Neiman, Agnew and Schramm, voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Echemann motioned and Mr. Hunker seconded to approve the bills paid as evidenced by the check register received by Council.  A roll call vote was heard with Echemann, Armstrong, Neiman, Agnew, Schramm, and Hunker voting yes.  The motion carried.  

Mr. Schramm made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Rev. Agnew.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried.  

The Mayor will check with the Belmont County Auditor’s Office regarding the process to begin foreclosure procedures on the property at 418 North 5th Street.  The property taxes have not been paid for a couple of years.  Mr. Sutak said this will not go through the Land Bank since there is no building on the site. 

             Mr. Echemann motioned and Rev. Agnew seconded to excuse Mr. Rodgers from tonight’s meeting.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried. 

             Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Neiman.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried and the meeting was adjourned with a salute to the flag.

            The next meeting of the Martins Ferry Council will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. 

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of January 24, 2024

Posted on: February 8, 2024

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Ben Neiman and James Agnew, Council at Large Members.   Mr. Schramm had informed President Davis that he was unable to attend this meeting. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the January 10, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

President Davis turned the meeting over to Mayor Davies who then swore into service 3 police officers and 8 gentlemen to the Fire Department including Fire Chief I and Chief II. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  A pre-construction meeting was held regarding the Force Main Project which will cover  the pump station to the force main down to Floral Valley.  The construction agreement will be signed on February 7 and the project will be completed by May 7.  A man-hole, near Grace Church, will soon be moved and replaced.  Cost will be around $20,000. 

About 240 tons of road salt have been used this year.  There is still 180 tons of salt in Cleveland that was purchased a few years ago which will be delivered to the city soon. 

The Mayor explained the problems with the new Garbage Truck (Packer).  This issue may have to go to litigation.

The Recreation Center has many bookings and rentals dates scheduled.  Open skating on Sundays and the After School Program has resumed. 

Next week the Mayor and Service Director will meet with the EPA to discuss Water Plant issues and possible growth to the system.  They also met with Peace Township and the Engineers on the Beretta Drive Project.  The funding for this project be awarded July 1, 2025 and the Mayor wants all the bids received by January, 2025 so the project can begin in the Spring. 

One of the owners of the 711 Elm Street property has signed a demolition agreement.  The city is holding $19,240 which was received from the insurance company for demolition.  Demolition companies have been contacted for bids. 

The Mayor will attend a School Board Meeting on February 13 to discuss the road situation.  The paperwork has been done to deed over Alumni Road to the School District.  Regarding School Road, the Mayor said the city is better equipped to maintain this street (snow removal, paint lines) and would be willing to continue to do this to ensure the safety of the kids traveling that road.  The Mayor wants to deed School Road back to the School District and then work out some kind of agreement with the school and property owner to get both roads fixed.  A Real Estate Attorney may be needed for this situation. 

Service Director:  Mr. Sutak updated Council on the current upgrades and work being done at the Water Plant (filter beds, contact tanks, #2 Service Pump, Ozone Room Specialized Equipment).

Mr. Sutak asked Council’s permission to enter into an agreement with ForeFront Technology to set up Cyber Security for the Water Plant’s computer systems.  This is need for insurance liability coverage. 

A funding grant has been submitted to the Department of Development for a sewer line project on Jefferson Street. Other sewer lines that need completed include Floral Valley to Turf Care (funding process started) and Hanover Street.  Mr. Sutak will continue to keep Council abreast of what work is being done and why it is being done. 

            Auditor:  Auditor Regis supplied Council with the current Payroll Summary and a Statement of Cash Position with MTD totals.  Beginning with the next meeting, these reports will only be projected on the screen during the live broadcast.  If a Council Member would like a paper copy, please notify Mr. Regis.   The State Auditors said they would be available to meet with Council for a Post-Audit Meeting on February 6, 7 or 8. 

            Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  Chief Murphy reported the 25% Matching Grant that was awarded to the Police Department to purchase laptop computers and accessories for the cruisers expired December 31, 2023.  However, an extension deadline of February 29 was approved so the city could have more time to consider how to financially accept this grant.  The awarded amount is $25,000, of which the city would be responsible for $6,250.  Currently, 3 cars have been forfeited at the Impound Lot.  These cars are currently listed on an online auction.  Chief Murphy would like the money received from the sale of abandoned vehicles at the Impound Lot and any storage fees collected, to be placed in a separate line item designated for the purchase of new police cruisers. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   Mr. Hunker stressed that the budget is tight and Council needs to watch it very closely this year. 

Street: There was no Street Department report but Mr. Rodgers wanted to remind citizens and businesses that they are responsible to remove snow from their sidewalks. 

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  No report.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  Mr. Echemann spoke to Mr. Hord regarding the “Meet The Candidates” Night and will make plans to move forward with this project. 

Real Estate/Utility:  No report.

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, was given an update on code administration enforcement in the city.  Mr. Hord was told that the S.M.A.R.T. Building has been sold to a local business man and the Mayor does not know the future plans for the structure.  Mr. Echemann was thanked for his assistance in setting up a “Meet the Candidates” night.  Mr. Hord heard there have been discussions by the local Historical Society to get some buildings in the city designated as historical.   The Mayor said the process takes time and a lot of paperwork needs completed.  The former Curley property has been sold and will become a parking lot. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion and Rev. Agnew seconded to suspend the 72 hour rule.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, Hunker and Echemann voting yes.  The motion carried and the 72 hour rule was suspended.  This Ordinance was given a first reading. 

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2014-17 In Regards To The Operator Of Record. 

              Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Echemann.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes.   The motion carried.   Motion was made by Mr. Rodgers to pass the Ordinance as read.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, Hunker, Echemann and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Echemann made a motion to note that Council has received and reviewed the Payroll Summary and the Statement of Cash for period ending January 24, 2024.  Mr. Hunker seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew and Hunker voting yes.  The motion carried.  

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion and Mr. Neiman seconded to allow the Mayor to proceed with the transfer of the School Road Property back to the Martins Ferry School District.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Hunker and Echemann voting yes.  Rev. Agnew abstained.  The motion carried.

Mr. Echemann made a motion to excuse Mr. Schramm from tonight’s Council Meeting.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.

Mr. Hunker made a motion to allow the Service Director to enter into a contract agreement with ForeFront Technologies for Cyber Security for the Water Plant.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Echemann.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes.   The motion carried.  

Council set Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to meet with the State Auditors for an exit interview.

Chief Murphy’s request for assistance with the Laptop Grant was referred to Auditor Regis to see if the funding can be acquired from the Permanent Improvement Fund.  Council will re-visit this issue at the February 7th Meeting.

Council was reminded of the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Tom Kelly.  Proceeds from this event will help Mr. Kelly with his medical expenses.  The dinner will be held at the American Legion on Saturday, February 3, 2024 from noon to 6:00 p.m.

Council Members were reminded that they should have received a notice about filing a financial disclosure statement for 2024.  This statement needs filed by May 15. 

Mr. Regis suggested that Council Members meet and do the Sunshine Law Training together in Chambers.  President Davis asked Council Members to look at their schedules and let her know of a date they would like to meet. She will announce the date at the next meeting. 

Mr. Hunker made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Rev. Agnew.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.      

             Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Echemann.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

            The next meeting of the Martins Ferry Council will be on February 7, 2024 in Council Chambers at the City Building.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President
