City of Martins Ferry

News & Updates


Posted on: September 16, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council will be having a special council meeting on Sunday September 18th at 6pm, in the Council Chambers. This meeting will be to consider the purchase of vehicles and is requested by the Mayor.

Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of August 17, 2022

Posted on: September 16, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Bruce Shrodes, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Tom Burns, Jim Schramm and Jack Regis, Council at Large Members.     

            Minutes:  Minutes of the August 10, 2022 Special Council Meeting were approved as written.  This includes Mrs. Armstrong’s recommendation that the EMS Worker’s increase in salary be retroactive to August 1, 2022.     

Correspondence:  There was correspondence from the Ohio Division of Liquor Control regarding the transfer of the Belmont Brewerks Liquor License to the new owners.  Police Chief McFarland was consulted and he has no concerns with this transfer. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  No Report.

Service Director:  Bids have been received for the Street Paving Project.  The Mayor, Service Director, and Engineer will meet and carefully review the bids.  The project will need to be finished by October 31, 2022.  Mr. Rodgers asked that the Street Committee be involved in the review of the paving bids. 

A new Catch Basin has been installed in Floral Valley.

The Splash Pad is open.  Donations are still being accepted to help with the cost.  The administration is looking into the cost of installing turf around the area to prevent dirt and grass from getting into the Splash Pad.  After 30 days, the cap will be installed to protect the cement.  There is no additional chlorine in the water going to the Splash Pad.  The water comes straight from the city’s water lines.  It is not re-circulated. 

Many of the summer helpers will be leaving for school soon.  Mr. Sutak praised the summer workforce for their efforts in keeping the grass controlled in the cemeteries, ball fields, parks and other properties the city maintains. 

Mr. Regis asked about a house that is slipping from its foundation.  Mr. Sutak said they are aware of it, but the city does not own the property.  The city administration will see if anything can be done about the property. 

Mr. Rodgers asked that a pothole between 7th and 8th Street near the old Mackey Community Center be patched.  He also asked that property near the United Dairy be cleared of debri.  Chief McFarland will look into this situation.

The Street Sweeper will be repaired as soon as the parts are available.  The administration may consider filing a complaint under the Lemon Law since the Sweeper has broken down 6-7 times in the first year of use. 

Safety Director:  No report. 

Auditor:  No report. 

            Law Director:  Mr. Stecker gave a short explanation of the PACE Resolution and 2 Ordinances that would be voted on later in the meeting.

            Police Department:  Chief McFarland and the Mayor measured the EMS lot that will be converted into an impound lot.  It will measure 107’ x 9’.  The current Code Administrator will be retiring soon and these duties (enforcing code laws) will now be taken over by the Police Department. There will no longer be warnings for high grass and trash not placed in acceptable receptacles.  Tickets will be issued immediately. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   No report.

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  Mr. Shrodes stated the Service Committee met on August 11, 2022.  The Committee discussed: 1) Council becoming more active with property violation, specifically trash and run-down properties, 2) Street Sweeper Problems, 3) Alleys not being maintained and 4) Business lots overgrown with weeds.   Minutes of this meeting were submitted and will be filed with these Council Minutes.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  Mrs. Armstrong announced the Chamber of Commerce is having a banquet on September 15th.  The speaker will be the coach of the Wheeling Nailers. 

Real Estate/Utility:  No report.

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:

William Graft, 514 North 8th Street, ask the Service Director to check on:

  1. A Gabion Basket Wall that the city installed behind his house.  He believed that wall is moving because his yard is starting to slip.  This wall is on top of his water, sewer and gas lines. 
  2. Trees on the hillside by Riverview Cemetery, in front of his house, is overtaking his cable and telephone wires.  He loses services when there is a lot of wind or a bad storm. 
  3. In the alley behind his house, trash is put out in cans with no lids and animals scatter the garbage and it stinks.
  4. At 522 North 8th Street, there is a vacant house where rats, raccoons, groundhogs and feral cats inhabit. 

Mr. Sutak will address this situation with the help of Office Starkey who will be enforcing code ordinances. 

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, asked the Service Director on how the re-opening of East Ohio Regional Hospital has impacted the city.  Mr. Sutak said the hospital has rejuvenated the city and joint ventures between the city and the hospital maybe planned for the future.  Mr. Hord was told the Betty Zane Festival went well even though the weather wasn’t the greatest.  Everyone was pleased with the Fireworks Display.  Mr. Sutak announced that even though the Street Sweeper isn’t running, tickets will still be issued if vehicles are on the wrong side of the street   Mr. Hord asked about honoring the Ohio Valley Printing Company and owner Phil Wallace and was told the Mayor is working on something.  No updates were available on the former Staffilino Property.  Mr. Hord also inquired about the former Curley property.  Bel-O-Mar has scheduled this property to be demolished by October 15. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

For the reading of the following legislation, Mr. Regis made a motion to waive the 72 Hour Rule.  Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried. 

This Resolution was given a First Reading.
            A Resolution Approving the Petition for the Creation of the City of Martins Ferry, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District and the Imposition of Special Assessments for Special Energy Improvement Projects and a Program Plan for Special Energy Improvement Projects Under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1710, and Declaring an Emergency.
Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Shrodes.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns, Schramm, and Regis voting yes.  The motion carried.   Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to pass the Resolution as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers and Burns voting yes.  The motion carried and the Resolution was declared passed.

This Ordinance was given a First Reading.
            An Ordinance Determining to Proceed with the Acquisition, Construction, and Improvement of Certain Public Improvements in the City of Martins Ferry, Ohio in Cooperation with the City of Martins Ferry, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District, and Declaring an Emergency.
Motion was made by Regis to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried.   Motion was made by Mr. Rodgers to pass the Ordinance as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Burns, Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.

            This Ordinance was given a First Reading.
            An Ordinance Levying Special Assessments for the Purpose of Acquiring, Constructing and Improving Certain Public Improvements in the City of Martins Ferry, Ohio in Cooperation with the City of Martins Ferry, Ohio Energy Special Improvement District, and Declaring an Emergency. 
Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers and Burns voting yes.  The motion carried.   Motion was made by Mr. Burns to pass the Ordinance as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Burns, Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong and Rodgers voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Burns thanked the Legion for placing the Veteran Banners near the City Park.  He also shared his experience riding with several Police Officers on their rounds and is very pleased with their professionalism. 

Mr. Regis made a motion to appoint Mayor Davies and Mr. Hunker to the ESID (Energy Special Improvement District) Board which will have oversight to the above Legislation that was passed.  Mr. Schramm seconded the motion.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried.

Mr. Regis asked Mr. Sutak to clear shrubbery on the Alley between North 7th St. and North 8th Street near Ellet Street.  It is being overrun by raccoons. 

Mr. Regis praised the summer youth for their hard work in keeping the grass cut in the cemeteries and other city properties.  He also thanked the police department for their assistance in keeping people away from a house fire on North 9th Street a couple weeks ago. 

Mr. Schramm reported to Mr. Sutak that the alley behind Keller Funeral Home is impassible due to huge potholes. 

Mr. Shrodes informed Mr. Sutak that a Stop Sign is down in front of 1300 Kennedy Avenue.  Also, a few driveways on Concord Street need to be striped yellow so parked vehicles don’t block resident’s access. 

Mr. Regis made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Shrodes.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

Officer Starkey will be assuming the duties of the retiring Code Administrator.  His title will not be Code Administrator.  He will just enforce the codes since the Police Department has this authority.  Council asked Mr. Stecker to prepare an Ordinance to place Building Permits and Contractor License Fees into the General Fund. 

Mr. Rodgers asked for a report on updating the council chamber’s public address system.  President Davis met with Mr. Baker and he will be recommending a new, reasonably priced system.  The estimate will include new microphones, recording system and a camera.  The quote should be received sometime in September. 

Mr. Shrodes moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns, Schramm, Regis and Hunker voting yes.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


Street Paving to Start Monday September 19th

Posted on: September 15, 2022

Starting Monday September 19, 2022 the City will start a big paving project. The paving will take place on 6th Street (Columbus Ave), 8th Street and 9th Street to St. Myers. This will include the top of 6th Street Hill to Mackey Ave and then from the N 9th Street to St. Myers and upper part of Heil Ave. There will be absolutely NO parking on the street while this project is being done. We apologize for the inconvenience during this time.

Fall Trash Clean Up October 3-7

Posted on: September 8, 2022

Our annual trash clean up will be held on the 1st week of October, the 3rd-7th. It will run on your normal trash day and it will be done curbside. No tires, paint or electronics will be picked up as usual.

Major Water Break on St Rt 7 NB

Posted on: August 25, 2022

The whole North end of town is without water due to a large water break on North bound 7. The water department is out fixing it, we do not have an ETA on when it will be fixed.

Martins Ferry City Council Special Meeting Minutes of August 10, 2022

Posted on: August 18, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council met for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, August 10, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  This meeting was called for the consideration of legislation.   Council President Kristine Davis called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those present, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member; Bruce Shrodes, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Tom Burns and Jim Schramm, Council at Large Members.  Absent: Jack Regis, Council at Large Member. 

Minutes:  Minutes of the July13, 2022 Regular Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

This Ordinance was given a First Reading.    

An Ordinance Authorizing The Director of Public Service to Advertise for Bids and Enter into a Contract for the Repair of Certain City Streets.
Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Shrodes.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried and the rules were suspended.   Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to pass the Ordinance as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers and Burns voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.

This Resolution was given a First Reading.   
          An Resolution Authorizing the City of Martins Ferry to Prepare and Submit an Application to Participate in the Ohio Public Works Commission State Capital Improvement and/or Local Transportation Improvement Program(s) and to Execute Contracts as Required.     

Motion was made by Mr. Rodgers to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Burns, Schramm, Hunker, Shrodes, and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried and the rules were suspended.   Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to pass the Resolution as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Shrodes.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried and the Resolution was declared passed.

This Resolution was given a First Reading.   
          A Resolution Approving The OneOhio Region 11 Governance Structure Under the OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding.    

Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Burns voting yes.  The motion carried and the rules were suspended.   Motion was made by Mr. Rodgers to pass the Resolution as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Burns.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Burns, Schramm, Hunker, Shrodes, and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried and the Resolution was declared passed.

            Mayor Davies stated his intent to bring in legislation about the Martins Ferry EMS.  He met with the EMS and they are dissatisfied with their hourly wage of $10 an hour. The City’s part-time summer help make $12 an hour. The Mayor plans to bring in legislation for Council to consider, specifying a $12 an hour wage for EMS regular employees (a 20% raise).  Mrs. Armstrong recommended that any ordinance brought in make wage adjustments effective retroactively to August 1, 2022.

Mr. Shrodes made a motion to excuse Mr. Regis.  Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.

Mr. Hunker moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mrs. Armstrong.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 6:18 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2022

Posted on: August 11, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Bruce Shrodes, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Jim Schramm and Jack Regis, Council at Large Members.   Tom Burns, Council at Large Member, informed President Davis that he was unable to attend this meeting. 

Before this meeting, a budget hearing was held for the Public at 5:30 p.m.  No one voiced any concerns at this meeting. 

President Davis thanked Mr. Regis for arranging the purchase and assembly of the new chairs for Council Members.  She also announced this was the first time the Council Meeting was live streamed on Facebook. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the June 15, 2022 Regular Council Meeting and the June 21, 2022 Special Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  Mayor Davies reported the city has received the 1.2 million dollars paving money.  Mr. Sutak is finalizing the specs for the streets to be paved with the engineers.  The job will then be advertised for bid.  The Mayor thanked Council for their support on this project.

Crews are clearing the cemetery of fallen trees and keeping up with the grass cutting.  Pothole patching was halted when the Roller’s motor died but has since been replaced.  The Street Sweeper has been sent to the garage for repairs.  Part-time laborers are mowing the 52 vacant lots in town that the city maintains. 

The Mayor applauded Officer Holmes for the phenomenal job he is doing with the summer youth program, Monday-Friday, at the Recreation Center.  Twenty to Fifty kids are involved every day.   Some damage was done to the Cardio Weight Room at the Center.  Parts have been ordered to repair the equipment.  The Splash Pad will hopefully be installed by July 27.  Three people volunteered to oversee the Free Skate Event today at the Center. 

The Celebration in the Park on July 2 went well with no complaints.  The Fireworks were fantastic!

Service Director:  Mr. Sutak reiterated that the paving job specs were being examined by the engineering company and a legal ad will placed in the paper for bids.  The ad will run for two weeks.  Grants will be sought from the Ohio Public Works Commission to possibly pave additional city streets.

The air conditioning unit for the dining room and kitchen area at the Recreation Center has failed.  Bids have been received to replace the old unit with two separate units.

Safety Director:  Director Regis

            Auditor:  No report. 

            Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  No report.

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   Mr. Regis announced that the third reading of the budget resolution will be read tonight.  Two copies will be sent to the County Auditor.  Later in the meeting, a Finance Committee Meeting was scheduled for Monday, July 18 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss Personnel Issues. 

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  Mr. Shrodes scheduled a Service Committee Meeting on Thursday, August 11, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. 

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  No report.

Real Estate/Utility:  No report.

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, expressed his appreciation for the plaque honoring the past Fire Chiefs of Martins Ferry.  He said that since this is an election year, the Belmont County Commissioners would “pass” on having a town hall meeting in the city.  The city was thanked for the recent signage and road striping installed on South Zane Highway and Euclid Avenue.  Striping of South Broadway will be delayed until after work is completed by the Gas Company.  The Mayor is still working on getting the unacceptable paving job of South Zane Highway fixed.  There was nothing to report on the Staffilino Property.

Dr. Yuri Gorby, Piedmont, Ohio, is a scientist working with the Concerned Ohio River Residents (CORR).  He has taken ground samples and done radiological surveys in the area surrounding Austin Masters.  A former worker of Austin Masters provided CORR with clothing that he wore to work and samples of the soil from these items were sent for analysis.  Dr. Gorby showed Council a chart with his findings.  Concerns included:   1) airborne particles outside of Austin Masters; 2) the source water below the facility and 3) workers at the Plant. 

Silverio Caggiano, Middle Ridge, Ohio, Retired Fire Chief, shared his experience with Austin Masters when the company tried to locate in Youngstown, Ohio.  Mr. Caggiano spoke to Austin Masters representatives and assured them inspectors would be there on a regular basis.  Shortly after this conversation, Austin Masters decided to move to Martins Ferry.  Mr. Caggiano emphasized the need for Martins Ferry’s Fire Department to have a plan should Austin Masters catch on fire or an emergency arise at the plant. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

This Resolution was given a Third Reading. 

A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The City Of Martins Ferry For The Fiscal Year
Beginning January 1, 2023, And Declaring An Emergency. 

Mr. Regis made a motion to pass the Resolution as read and Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried and the Resolution was declared adopted. 

An Ordinance to Make Appropriations for the Expenses of the City of Martins Ferry, State of Ohio, During the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022, and Declaring an Emergency. 

This Ordinance was given a First Reading.  Mr. Regis made a motion to suspend the rules.  Mr. Shrodes seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, and Schramm voting yes.  Motion carried and the rules were suspended.  Mr. Schramm made a motion to pass the Ordinance as read.  Mr. Hunker seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, and Rodgers voting yes.  The motion carried. 






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Regis commented that the next Council Meeting, on August 3, coincides with the start of Betty Zane Days and the 5K Race.  Mrs. Armstrong made a motion and Mr. Schramm seconded to cancel the August 3 Council Meeting.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Schramm, Regis, Hunker, and Shrodes voting yes.  The motion carried.  A Special Meeting can be called if any business needs addressed.  The next regularly scheduled meeting of Council will be on August 17. 

Mr. Regis asked for an update on the demolition of the house on the “S” Curve of Broadway Street.  The Mayor said the owner is tearing down the structure himself and as long as the work is progressing, the city would not demolish the house and put a lien on it. 

Mr. Regis assured Council Members and the audience that the Fire Chiefs have discussed the Austin Masters Facility and are formulating a Fire and Emergency Plan. 

Mr. Schramm made a motion to appropriate up to $17,000 from the Permanent Improvement Fund to replace the air conditioner in the Kitchen and the Dining Area of the Recreation Center.  This is contingent on Mr. Sutak assuring Council that there is adequate funds in the Permanent Improvement Fund to cover this expenditure. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, and Rodgers voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Mr. Shrodes aired his concerns about 4 houses near his home that are dilapidated and need torn down.  He would like the Council Members to compose a list of dilapidated houses in the city and submit the list to him so these properties can be discussed at the Service Committee Meeting on August 11.  Mr. Shrodes would like to see violations assessed against the owners of dilapidated structures and make them accountable for the upkeep of their properties. 

Mr. Regis asked the Street Committee to consider setting a list of guidelines for any Utility Company that does road work in the city.  These guidelines would specify the way the street should look after the Utility work is finished.  Mr. Sutak will call the Gas Company and ask when they are going to start paving the Zane Highway.  Law Director Stecker will check to see if Council could pass an Ordinance requiring any company doing work that disturbs city property, to put up a bond to cover the cost to repair said property. 

Mr. Regis reported old/unused city vehicles will be taken to an auctioneer to auction off.  The city will get the proceeds.  Instead of turning the old Rose Café property into an Impound Lot, the Mayor suggested using the EMS Lot.  This action would be less costly to the city.  Only fencing would be needed.  This issue was referred to the Service Committee. 

Mr. Shrodes made a motion to excuse Mr. Burns from tonight’s meeting.  Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried. 

Mr. Hunker made a motion to go into Executive Session under Ohio Revised Code 121.22, G1, Compensation of a Public Employee.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Regis.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Schramm, and Regis voting yes.  The motion carried. 

Motion was made by Mr. Rodgers and seconded by Mr. Regis to go out of Executive Session. A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Schramm, Regis, Hunker, Shrodes and Armstrong voting yes.  The motion carried.

Mr. Schramm made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Regis.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.             

             Mr. Shrodes moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mrs. Armstrong.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned with a salute to the flag.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President

Date:  ______________________________

Martins Ferry City Council Special Meeting Minutes of June 21, 2022

Posted on: July 14, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council met for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Pro-Tempore Rick Rodgers with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bruce Shrodes, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Tom Burns, Jim Schramm and Jack Regis, Council at Large Members.  Absent: Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member.  Mr. Rodgers reserved his right to vote.   

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

This Resolution was given a Second Reading.             

A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The City Of Martins Ferry For The Fiscal Year
Beginning January 1, 2023, And Declaring An Emergency. 
 This Resolution will go to a third reading.

This Ordinance was given a Second Reading.              
          An Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,200,000 Of Street Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, To Pay Part Of The Costs Of Street Improvements In The City, And Declaring An Emergency.   

Motion was made by Mr. Regis to suspend the rules.  Motion was seconded by Mrs. Armstrong.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The motion carried.   Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to pass the Ordinance as read.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Shrodes.  A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Regis, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers and Burns voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.

Motion was made by Mr. Regis to cancel the Thursday, June 23, 2022, Special Meeting of Council due to a lack of a quorum.  Motion was seconded by Mrs. Armstrong.   A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Shrodes, Armstrong, Rodgers, Burns and Schramm voting yes.  The clerk will put a sign on the City Building Front Door alerting the public of the cancellation and also contact The Times Leader to see if they can put the notice in the paper.

Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Regis.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President


Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of June 15, 2022

Posted on: July 14, 2022

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, June 15, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Bruce Shrodes, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; and Jack Regis, Council at Large Member.  Tom Burns and Jim Schramm Council-at-Large Members informed President Davis that they were unable to attend this meeting. 

            Minutes:  Minutes of the June 1, 2022 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  Mayor Davies was granted permission by Council to read a Proclamation for Retired Police Office Vern Trigg.  Mr. Trigg thanked the Mayor and received a round of applause from Council.

The Mayor recognized a Boy Scout in the audience who was attending the Council Meeting to earn his Citizenship Badge. 

Officer Holmes has organized a summer youth program at the Recreation Center.   The Program is held Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  Over 20 kids attend regularly.  The Youth Room is being used quite often.

Crews are working to get caught up on grass cutting in the cemetery.  The part-time workers have made the first round of cutting abandoned lots and lots owned by the city.  Cross walk and curb lines are being painted and pothole patching is being done as the weather permits. 

Mayor Davies is trying to create activities for all citizens, youth and adults, at the Recreation Center.  He has contacted a woman who bought a skating rink in Moundsville and she is willing to sell the skates at a reasonable price.  This will enable the Recreation Center to offer skating for kids and adults in the gym.  A music system has been purchased and Teen Dances may also be offered.  A former OVAC wrestling champ contacted Mr. Regis and would like to teach kids wrestling techniques at the Center. 

Fireworks in the Park will be held on Saturday, July 2, beginning at 11:00 a.m.  There will be a free swim at the pool.  Fireworks will begin at dusk.  Food Trucks and Craft Vendors will also be present.  Vendors will not be charged a fee for space in the Park.  Mr. Sutak is working on getting entertainment for the day.

Update on Splash Pad:  It will take 4 days to install and 30 days to cure the cement.  Mr. Sutak has applied for a $50,000 grant and some money has been pledged from the community for the project.

Service Director:  Mr. Sutak is looking for Ohio Public Works and/or EPA funding for the Turf Care Pump Station in order to re-route the sewer line to the E.O.R.W.A. line.  There is either a blockage somewhere or the line has caved in. 

Crews are working on removing fallen trees from Riverview Cemetery and Border Lane. 

Mr. Sutak asked Council to pass an Ordinance allowing the city to borrow $1.2 mil. for street paving.  He noted that after these streets are paved, money will be saved since pothole patching won’t be needed year after year. 

The Service Director will be meeting with a gentleman who is educated in the physiology of weight lifting.  This man is willing to set up some programs for youth and adults at the Recreation Center.

The Administration would like to see the Recreation Center to transform into a Wellness Center which could be a better way to apply and receive funding. 

Mr. Rodgers said the railroad tracks need checked on Rt. 7 by Nickles Bakery.  The tracks seems to be rough.  Mr. Sutak will call the Railroad Company and ODOT and have the tracks inspected. 

Next week Mr. Sutak plans to prepare the County Application for permission to use license plate money for paving 9th Street.  Water issues on 9th Street may have to be addressed before paving can begin.

Mr. Sutak will contact the Gas Company to see what sections on South Zane Highway they are planning to pave. 

Safety Director:  No report. 

            Auditor:  Auditor Randall discussed the appropriations on the May Financial Report.  The 2023 Budget was given to Council to review but cannot be voted on until after the Public Budget Hearing on July 13. 

            Law Director:  Mr. Stecker introduced Attorney Ty Compton and PACE Representative Christopher Jones.  East Ohio Regional Hospital is considering a couple of projects and wants to utilize PACE financing.  This involves some legislative action from Council.  Mr. Compton and Mr. Jones explained the PACE Program and what is required from Council.   

            Police Department:  Chief McFarland introduced 3 new police officers.  He also praised the work and dedication of Former Officer Vern Trigg.  One full-time police officer is still needed. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   Auditor Randall will let Mr. Regis know when she needs to meet with the committee. 

Street: No report.

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Code Administration:  Before the next meeting, Mr. Regis would like to speak to the Code Administrator about a list of run-down properties in the city that he compiled.  Mr. Sutak said that the Land Bank looks for properties to tear down that have “end users”.  This means if someone is willing to buy property once a dilapidated house is torn down, then it is looked at more favorably by the Land Bank since the property then would be put back in “tax collection” mode. 

            Safety: No report.

            Service:  No report.

            Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  No report.

Real Estate/Utility:  No report.

Income Tax: No report.

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

            Mike Alica, 816 Delaware Street, reports that some streets are being missed by the street sweeper.  Cars are being ticketed for being on the wrong side of the street and the residents aren’t receiving the benefits of the street sweeper.  The Mayor said that during vacation times, he sometimes has to put the street sweeper employee on another job. 

            Tina Martin, 411 Concord Street, asked why residents can’t park their cars back on the side of the street after the street sweeper has passed.  She was told that the police don’t know if the street sweeper has passed through a street and that is why they write tickets in the slot of time listed on the posted signs. 

            John Martin, 411 Concord Street, is concerned that a house is ready to fall into the alley behind Concord Street.   If the house collapses, it will block access to the street.  Also, the weeds from the house scratch the garbage truck as it goes by.  Mr. Shrodes said there are 4 houses in that area that need to come down.  The Mayor said he would have the part-time summer help trim the weeds back. 

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, asked for comments on the recent Strawberry Festival.  Mr. Shrodes replied that the weather was fantastic and the vendors were very pleased with their sales.  Mr. Hord asked if there were any future plans for two building in the downtown area.  The Mayor said a deal on the PNC Bank Building fell through and there is some interest in the former Dollar General Building.  When asked what achievements he was most proud of so far this year, the Mayor replied 1) the cooperation between the Administration, Council, and the city’s work force,  2) the Recreation Center; and 3) Officer Holmes Summer Youth Program. 

Teena and Ty Miller, 70064 Sunset Heights, alerted Council to a problem with the Sunset Heights Water Tower.  This couple maintains that the tower has been discharging water onto their property for the last two years at almost 15 gallons of water per minute.  Mrs. Miller states she has contacted Water Superintendent Bill Suto numerous times, beginning in October, 2019, asking that he fix this problem.  Mrs. Miller read a time-line of their efforts to get this problem fixed.  The couple estimates this has cost the city around $130,000 annually.  This leakage has caused the Miller’s property to be saturated and is washing away their road.  The Mayor said he will have someone test the water to see if it is spring water or city water.  If it is city water that is leaking onto the Miller’s property, the Mayor assured them that the problem will be fixed. 

Todd Dawson, Floral Valley Resident, Scout Master with the Boy Scout Troop #107 in Bridgeport, Ohio, alerted Council that there is a fallen tree at the Park in Floral Valley.  The Mayor said he will get someone up there and remove it. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

This Resolution was given a First Reading.   

A Resolution Adopting A Budget For The City Of Martins Ferry For The Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2023, And Declaring An Emergency. 

Mr. Regis made a motion to Suspend the 72 Hour Rule.  Mr. Shrodes seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, and Rodgers voting yes.  The motion carried.  This Ordinance was given a First Reading.              

          An Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance Of $1,200,000 Of Street Improvement Bonds, Series 2022, To Pay Part Of The Costs Of Street Improvements In The City, And Declaring An Emergency. 

Because there were only 5 Council Members present, the Rules could not be suspended.  This Resolution and Ordinance will go on to further readings.






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Regis made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Hunker.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

Mr. Regis made a motion that Council schedules two special meetings next week, one on Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. and one on Thursday at 6:00 p.m. to discuss legislation only.  Mr. Shrodes seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Regis, Hunker, Shrodes, Armstrong, and Rodgers voting yes.  The motion carried. 

President Davis will be out-of-town next week and Mr. Rogers will act as President Pro-Tempore for the two special meetings. 

A request has been received, by a citizen who cannot navigate the city building steps, to move the July 13, 2022 Council Meeting to the Recreation Center so he is able to attend.  The public hearing for the budget is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on July 13 before the regular meeting.  Since the time and location of the public hearing has already been published in the paper, Council is unable to accommodate this citizen’s request.  President Davis said he can attend one of the August meetings.  Mr. Stecker said if this citizen has comments, he can submit them in writing. 

President Davis asked Council to consider operating from an Agenda.  Deadline to submit an item for the Agenda could be the Friday before the Council Meeting.  This would enable Council to address topics and to be better prepared to answer any question that may arise.   

Mr. Hunker made a motion, and Mr. Rodgers seconded, to excuse Mr. Burns and Mr. Schramm from tonight’s Council Meeting.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried. 

The Mayor informed Council that he may not be able to attend the July 13 Council Meeting due to his wife having surgery the next day in Columbus. 

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to allow President Davis to evaluate a procedure to operate with an Agenda.   Motion was seconded by Mr. Regis.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried. 

Mr. Rodgers gave Council Members his new phone number:  (740) 312-9021.

            Mr. Shrodes moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Rodgers.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. with a salute to the flag.

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President

Date:  __________________