The Martins Ferry Area
Historical Society
The Martins Ferry Area Historical Society was established to preserve and promote the history of our city and the surrounding area. Headquartered in the historic Sedgwick House Museum located on Hanover Street, the Society boasts a collection of important artifacts spanning time from the 18th century to present day.
The Sedgwick House Museum located at 627 Hanover Street is open May through September by appointment. Phone 740-633-5046 or Email martinsferryhistory@gmail.com.?

The Sedgwick House Museum was established by the Martins Ferry area Historical Society in 1970 to house historical artifacts pertaining to the Martins Ferry area. the house, constructed around 1870 for the Henry Helling family, was the home of Leroy Sedgwick from 1900 until about 1960. A visitor to the museum can view items that range in time from pioneers, such as the Zane and Martin families, to the space shuttle. Exhibits include period furniture, glassware, textiles, school and sports memorabilia, and commercial and industrial materials.
Be a Part of History
The Society is always seeking volunteers to help with its growing list of work. ?From building maintenance issues to historical preservation projects, we need your talents and skills! ?If you’re interested, please contact us and become a vital part of the history of our city.
Become a Member
Show your support for local history by joining the Martins Ferry Historical Society. ?A yearly membership is just $10/individual and $15/couple. ?Please send a check or money order to the address listed at the bottom of this page. ?
The Martins Ferry Area Historical Society is always seeking additions to our collection of artifacts. ?Perhaps you have an item taking up space in your attic or basement which may be a piece of Martins Ferry history. ?Many people also make monetary donations to the Society in order to help ensure our city’s history is preserved for generations to come. ?Whatever way you decide to help is greatly appreciated.
Martins Ferry Area Historical Society
P.O. Box 422 Martins Ferry, Ohio 43935
(740) 633-5046