Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of November 20, 2024
Posted on: December 5, 2024
The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Donald Myers Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk. Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Ben Neiman, James Agnew and Jim Schramm, Council at Large Members.
Minutes: Minutes of the November 6, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.
Correspondence: Correspondence was received from the Department of Commerce inquiring if the city had objections to the renewal of any retail liquor permits in the city. The clerk has checked with Police Chief Murphy and he has no objections to the renewals. If Council has no objections, President Davis asked that a motion be made under Miscellaneous Business stating there were no objections.
Reports of Officers of the City:
Mayor: Mayor Davies asked for an Executive Session towards the end of the meeting for litigation purposes.
The Street Sweeper is finished for the year. The city has plenty of road salt available for any hazardous weather conditions this week. The Mayor asked citizens to give city workers room to work so there are no incidents. Some people have been using the area near the salt bins for a dumping station. There are “NO DUMPING” signs posted and violators will be fined.
Council Members were given a copy of the Proposed Police Contract that was reviewed at the last Council Meeting. Changes were noted in italic print. If anyone has questions, they can call the Mayor or Sargent West. A meeting with Auditor Regis, to review the changes, is planned for next week.
Service Director: Mr. Sutak asked Council to approve the Resolution allowing him to prepare and submit an application to participate in the Federal Appalachian Regional Commission Area Development Program. This is for funding the water line extension from the Water Plant to the hospital and business district.
Mr. Sutak asked Council to approve 2 Purchase Orders: 1) $6,096 for Wilson Blacktop for the aggregate paving of East Road which recently had a waterline project and 2) $7,290 for the Robinson Pike Cleaning Company that cleaned out a sewer on Broadway/Grant Streets.
Lash Paving will try and pave Spring Haven Drive this year, weather permitting.
Auditor: Mr. Regis was unable to attend this Council Meeting but did supply Council with the Statement of Cash Position with MTD Totals. In a memo to all Departments, the Auditor stated that the books for 2024 will be closed on November 29, 2024. This will allow the office time to adjust the budget to finish the year in the black and to secure a carry-over for 2025.
The Mayor stated that one of the city’s Garbage Packers will be paid-off soon. There was a huge payment that put the department in the red but the Mayor feels positive the department will rebound. Council will be advised if there needs to be a rate adjustment. Citizens are being charged extra when they have more than 3 cans of garbage.
Council was informed that the driveway of Emma Davis, resident of Dix Addition, was fixed after the last Council Meeting when her daughter made the city aware of the problem.
Law Director: Mr. Stecker thanked the city workers for putting up the Christmas decorations.
Police Department: No report.
Fire Department: Justin Smith, Assistant Fire Chief, asked Council for permission to close the following streets for the Annual Christmas Parade on Friday, November 29: Center Street to Zane Highway, Zane Highway to Hanover Street, Hanover to 4th. Street, 4th Street to Jefferson Street, Jefferson Street to Zane Highway. The Parade will end up at the City Park, followed by fireworks. Mr. Smith also asked permission to block off Grant Street to Hickory Street and 5th Street to Zane Highway to ensure safety of those watching the fireworks.
The Annual Fire Department Meeting will be held on December 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Alert Engine Company. Council and the City Administration were invited to attend.
Mr. Stecker will prepare an Ordinance for the next Council Meeting, to sell the older red Ford Explorer Fire Chief vehicle for $10,000 to the Bridgeport Fire Department as was agreed upon by the former Fire Department Administration. Mr. Stecker explained that the vehicle can be sold for $10,000 and the excess fair market value donated to the Bridgeport Fire Department.
Code Administrator: No report.
Park District: No report.
Water Department: No report.
Reports of Committees of Council:
Finance and Audit: No report.
Street: No report.
Ordinance: Rev. Agnew reported the Committee recommends no changes to the Deputy Auditor’s Ordinance.
Sewer/Sidewalk: No report.
Code Administration: No report.
Safety: Mr. Schramm secured a price for the Dodge Charger and turn this information over to Chief Murphy who will try and find a buyer.
Service: No report.
Cemetery: No report.
Public Relations: No report.
Real Estate/Utility: No report.
Income Tax: No report.
Citizens To Be Heard: President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.
Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, inquired about the financial status of the city. Since Mr. Regis was not present to address this question, the Mayor said he reviewed the financial statements and most funds are OK and holding steady. The Street Sweeper schedule will likely stay the same next year. Regarding the City Building repairs, Council approved a temporary patch to winterize the roof. Funding will be sought for a permanent solution. Austin Masters is bankrupt and ODNR is continuing the clean-up of the facility. Mr. Stecker told Mr. Hord that the Chamber of Commerce has a new director and will begin planning for the Academic Awards Banquet.
Frank Papini, President of the United Steel Workers of America, Retiree Organization of Martins Ferry, Ohio and a resident of Bridgeport, Ohio asked if the workers at the former Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Building are paying city income taxes. The Mayor and Mr. Sutak explained the rules regarding city income tax and who has to pay.
Ordinances and Resolutions:
A Resolution Authorizing The Mayor Of The City Of Martins Ferry To Prepare And Submit An Application To Participate In The Federal Appalachian Regional Commission Area Development Program And To Execute Contracts As Required.
Mr. Hunker made a motion to suspend the rules. Mr. Schramm seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew and Schramm voting yes. Motion carried. Motion was made by Mr. Schramm to pass the Resolution as read. Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Schramm, Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes. The motion carried and the Resolution was declared passed.
Miscellaneous Business:
Mr. Hunker made a motion to approve two purchase orders: 1) $6,096 for Wilson Blacktop and 2) $7,290 for the Robinson Pike Cleaning Company. Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew and Schramm voting yes. Motion carried.
Mr. Echemann made a motion and Rev. Agnew seconded to note that Council has reviewed and approved the financial reports and these reports will be made part of the minutes. After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.
Mr. Schramm made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes. Motion was seconded by Mr. Rodgers. After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.
Mr. Hunker made a motion to cancel the December 18 meeting. This meeting will be re-scheduled at a later date to consider legislation when the financial reports are finalized. Rev. Agnew seconded the motion. After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.
Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to note that Council has no objections to the renewal of retail Liquor Permits in the City. Mr. Echemann seconded the motion. After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.
A decision regarding ForeFront Technology will be discussed at the next meeting when Mr. Regis could answer any questions Council may have regarding the proposal. Mr. Echemann reminded Council that it would save the city $392 per month.
Mrs. Armstrong made a motion for Council to go into Executive Session under Ohio Revised Code 121.22, G-3 and G-4 regarding pending legislation and collective bargaining. Mr. Neiman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, Hunker and Echemann voting yes. Motion carried.
Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to go out of Executive Session. Mr. Hunker seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, Hunker and Echemann voting yes. Motion carried.
Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to allow Law Director Stecker to proceed with preparing the necessary documents to accept annexation of Alumni Road and School Road. Mr. Echemann seconded the motion. A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Hunker and Echemann voting yes. Mr. Neiman voted no. Rev. Agnew sustained. Motion carried.
Mr. Hunker made a motion and Mr. Neiman seconded to allow the Fire Department to close the following Streets on Friday, November 29 for the Christmas Parade: Center Street to Zane Highway, Zane Highway to Hanover Street, Hanover to 4th. Street, 4th Street to Jefferson Street, Jefferson Street to Zane Highway. After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.
Mrs. Armstrong moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Hunker. After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned with a salute to the flag.
The next meeting of the Martins Ferry Council will be on Wednesday, December 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the City Building.
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Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council Kristine Davis, Council President