City of Martins Ferry

Martins Ferry City Council Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2024

Posted on: October 3, 2024

The Martins Ferry City Council met in Regular Session on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Donald Myers Council Chambers.  The meeting was called to order by Council President Kristine Davis with the Pledge of Allegiance recited by those present in chamber, followed by a prayer by the Clerk.   Answering Roll Call were Bob Hunker, First Ward Council Member, Spencer Echemann, Second Ward Council Member; Suzanne Armstrong, Third Ward Council Member; Rick Rodgers, Fourth Ward Council Member; Ben Neiman and James Agnew, Council at Large Members.   Jim Schramm, Council at Large Member was unable to attend this meeting.

            Minutes:  Minutes of the September 4, 2024 Council Meeting were approved as written.  

Correspondence:  There was no correspondence. 

Reports of Officers of the City:

Mayor:  Mayor Davies expressed gratitude for the compassion shown to his family upon the death of his wife last week. 

A group has approached the Mayor asking for permission to transform the Basketball Court into a Pickle Ball Court at the City Park.  The Basketball Court is in disrepair and if approved, this group has offered to fund 100% of the cost of the Court’s transformation. This group will cover the cost of paving the court and installing the fencing and netting.  It may be possible to get a grant to fund 75% of the project which would enable the city to replace lighting, security cameras and fencing.  When the Court is rented out, proceeds will be given to the Park District.  If Council wants to create another Basketball Court, the Mayor suggested the area south of the swimming pool near the small parking lot or by the Fourth Street side. 

Service Director:  Mr. Sutak received estimates for masonry work and roof repairs to the City Building. He requested the Finance Committee meet to discuss funding mechanisms for the project. 

Council was asked to approve a Purchase Order for $142,150 from W-Quick-Sol Engineers for Martins Ferry’s portion of the Beretta Drive/Dutch Hill Road Project.  Another invoice, expected to be around $15,000, is expected from an Engineering Company that is doing the core sampling.

Mr. Sutak asked Council to pass the Ordinance to sell property in Crawford Heights by public bid, which will be read later in the meeting.     

            Auditor:  Mr. Regis asked Council to approve 4 new positions with pay raises.  One position replaces the Parking Meter Enforcer to Service Clerk Floater and the other 3 positions are Crew Leaders.  Current employees are being elevated to these positions because of their leadership skills.  Job Descriptions of these positions were distributed to Council Members and will be filed with these minutes. 

            Mr. Regis asked Council to making a motion showing that Council has received the Statement of Cash Position MTD for August along with the Check Report by check number.  He also asked Council to approve a transfer of $15,000 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund. 

            Law Director:  No report. 

            Police Department:  Chief Murphy gave a report on recent arrests by the Department and activities of the School Resource Officers.  The Department has been awarded a grant of $250,000 for the “Cops Hiring” Program from the Community Oriented Policing Service. 

            Fire Department: No report.

Code Administrator: No report.

            Park District: No report.      

            Water Department:  No report.       

Reports of Committees of Council:   

            Finance and Audit:   Mr. Hunker set a Finance Committee Meeting for Monday, September 23 at 10:00 a.m.

Street: Mr. Sutak will get an estimate on paving Spring Haven Drive.  When a quote is received, Mr. Rodgers will call a committee meeting to discuss the issue. 

Ordinance:  No report.

            Sewer/Sidewalk:  No report.

Safety: No report.

Service:  No report.

Cemetery:  No report.

Public Relations:  No report.

Code Administration:  No report.

Real Estate:  No report.

Utility:  The Committee met on September 5, 2024.  A list of delinquent accounts was distributed to the members and the shut-off accounts were highlighted.  The city will now be purchasing antilog water meters.  The Sanitation Department is doing better with the updated fee structure for the high rise apartment buildings in town.  There will now be a $3.00 fee for every extra bag after the three can limit.  A new system has been installed that keeps citizens from being able to turn their water back on after the city has shut off their water due to nonpayment.  Minutes of this meeting will be filed with these minutes.

Income Tax: No report.        

Citizens To Be Heard:  President Davis reminded citizens to limit their speaking to 5 minutes.  

Phil Wallace, 801 Spring Haven Drive, presented a petition from residents of Spring Haven Drive, Willetta Street and Grandview Street.  They are asking Council to pave their streets, install storm drainage and set-up devices to divert water where it is running from the street into resident’s basements.  Mr. Wallace said any help would be appreciated.  The Mayor said the Sewer Department is planning on installing a catch basin to alleviate the water problem, hopefully before winter.  Council will need to give permission for the paving. 

Richard Hord, 915 Virginia Street, thanked the Administration for fixing a divot in the road at 917 Virginia Street.  He also announced that a “Meet the Candidate” night will be held at the Martins Ferry Library on October 3rd at 6:00 p.m.  The Mayor received a letter from the Martins Ferry Historical Society asking for funding.  This matter will be discussed at a Finance Committee Meeting.  Because of the expensive repairs looming for the current city building, Mr. Hord suggested other buildings in town that might be used for a City Building.   The Mayor stated that whatever is decided, the present building has to be repaired to prevent further deterioration.  The Street Sweeper will run again during the 1st week and 2nd week of November and then shut down until the spring.  The new sweeper schedule seems to be working well. 

Ordinances and Resolutions:  

Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to suspend the 72 Hour Rule.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes.  The motion carried and the Ordinance was given a first reading.  

            An Ordinance Authorizing The Director Of Public Service To Advertise For Bids For The Sale Of Municipal Property And To Sell The Property To The Winning Bid.     

            Mr. Echemann made a motion to suspend the rules.  Mr. Rodgers seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew and Hunker voting yes.  Motion carried.  Motion was made by Mr. Hunker to pass the Ordinance as read.  Mrs. Armstrong seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes.   The motion carried and the Ordinance was declared passed.






Miscellaneous Business:   

Mr. Hunker made a motion to note that Council has received the Statement of Cash Position MTD for August along with the Check Report by Check Number. Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion carried. 

Mr. Echemann made a motion and Mr. Neiman seconded to transfer $15,000 from the General Fund to the Cemetery Fund.  A roll call vote was heard with Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, and Hunker voting yes.  The motion carried.  

Mr. Hunker made a motion to approve the Purchase Order in the amount of $142,150 for W-Quick-Sol for the Beretta Drive/Dutch Hill Road Project.  Rev. Agnew seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Hunker, Echemann, Armstrong, Rodgers, Neiman, and Agnew voting yes.   The motion was declared passed. 

The Mayor announced that the Curbside Clean-Up Week will be September 30-October 4.  Mattresses and Box Springs are $20 each and must be wrapped.  Paint, Tires and Electronics will not be accepted. 

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to approve the 4 new positions including the pay rates which will be filled within the current workforce.  Mr. Echemann seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Armstrong, Rodgers, Agnew, Hunker and Echemann voting yes.  Mr. Neiman voted no.  The motion carried.

Mrs. Armstrong made a motion to reflect Council has received reports from the Officers and Management, and to incorporate these reports into the minutes.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Rodgers.   After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.  

Mr. Rodgers made a motion to give permission to the group interested in setting up a Pickle Ball Court (where the Basketball Court has been) to make that change.  Mr. Neiman seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was heard with Rodgers, Neiman, Agnew, Hunker, Echemann and Armstrong voting yes.   The motion carried.

Mr. Echemann made a motion and Mr. Rodgers seconded to excuse Mr. Schramm from tonight’s meeting.  After an affirmative voice vote, the motion passed.    

             Mr. Rodgers moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Hunker.  After an affirmative voice vote, the meeting was adjourned with a salute to the flag.

            The next meeting of the Martins Ferry City Council will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at the City Building. 

___________________________________               ___________________________________
Kay H. McFarlan, Clerk of Council                           Kristine Davis, Council President
