City of Martins Ferry

MF Chamber of Commerce June Newsletter

Posted on: June 2, 2017

Welcome to June!


June is going to be a busy month in Martins Ferry!

Trial Runs for the 25th Annual Soap Box Derby (The Great Race) will be held this Sunday, June 4 starting at 9 a.m. There are 28 cars registered for this year’s race. Inspections will be held at the school bus garage on Wednesday, June 7 starting at 5:30 p.m. And the race will be held on Sunday, June 11 with opening ceremonies at 9:30 a.m. and racing starting at approximately 10. Come on out and cheer on your favorite racer!! Each driver receives a trophy, t-shirt and certificate with the top 4 finishers receiving a trophy along with 1st place: 4 tickets to Kings Island and $250; 2nd place: 4 tickets to The Wilds and $125; 3rd place $75 and 4th place $50.

The Ohio Valley Street Survivors Car Club will hold a Cruise-in during the Derby between Hanover and Walnut Streets – enter at Walnut Street. They will hold a 50/50 and dash plaques will be presented to the first 50 entrants. The dash plaques are donated by First Presbyterian Church. For more information on the Cruise-In contract Paul Baker at 740-359-3417.

On Tuesday, June 6 First Presbyterian Church will host A Picnic on the Sidewalk at 4th and Walnut Streets from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. They will be selling hot dogs, hamburgers, cole slaw, macaroni salad, baked goods, pop and water. There will also be a raffle for gift baskets and a 50/50.

The Elks will hold their annual Community Day in the Park on Saturday, June 10 from noon – 4 p.m. Free activities include: swimming, pony rides, photo booth, face painting, games for the kids, food, Army Reserve display, concert by Brothers in Song, free smoke alarms from the fire department, Glad Day Observance with you reading their Americanism Essays (3 state and district winners).

On Tuesday, June 13 from noon – 5:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church will sponsor a Blood Drive at The Ladder Company Fire Station at 4th and Locust Streets. Appointments can be scheduled by calling (1-800- REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: FPCTLC. There will be donated pizza, cookies and refreshments for all donors. There will also be 2 gift baskets that donors will an entry ticket. For more information call the church office at 740-633-6107.

The Annual Salad Luncheon to benefit the Daily Bread Center will be held on Thursday, June 15 from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the St. Mary’s School Gym (20 N. Fourth Street). Tickets are $6 and include salads, chicken salad sandwich, dessert and drink. Tickets are available at all Martins Ferry Churches and at the door – walk-ins are welcome!! Parking will be available on the school playground. Handicap accessible. Tickets will be sold for a Chinese Auction for $1 each or 6 for $5. Hope to see you there!!

The Martins Ferry Chamber of Commerce will host Skyshow 2017 on Friday, June 30 (rain date July 1) on the school’s campus. Gates will open at 5 p.m. There will be inflatable rides, musical entertainment, food vendors, face painting and games for the kids. Tickets for the Skyshow 50/50 are now on sale for $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held just prior to the fireworks that evening. Admission is FREE with donations being gladly accepted. Many thanks to our Major Sponsors who make this event possible: Belmont County Tourism Council, National Lime and Stone/Lash Paving, The Times Leader, The Citizens Bank, East Ohio Regional Hospital, Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union #33, and Riesbecks Markets.

The Martins Ferry High School Band will be holding a Yard Sale in the Park (feel free to print out the attached flyer) on Saturday, July 1 from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. A 12X12 space can be reserved for $10 by calling 740-635-1134.

The Progress Forward Committee will be hosting its first event on Saturday, July 1. It will be a Farmers’ Market at the corner of N. Fifth and Hanover Streets. They will be held on the first and third Saturdays of each month thru October. Other events are also being planned throughout the coming months. This committee will meet again at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 15 at Grace Presbyterian Church.

Don’t forget the Martins Ferry Historical Society (Sedgwick Museum) is currently having their annual membership drive. Dues are $10 for individuals and $15 for couples or organizations.

Betty Zane Days sponsored by the Martins Ferry Fire Department will be held August 1-5.